What’s the Difference Between Good Fats and Bad Fats?

Do you know the difference between good fats and bad fats? The bad fats, triglycerides, build up and clog your arteries, causing heart disease and heart attacks. Omega-3 fatty acids are the good fats that have someastonishing health benefits. While the idea of fats turns us off, the omega-3s found in fish oil are healthy for you while promoting mental health for yourself and babies.  

Flora Udo’s Oil 369 Blend contains omega-3s and fatty acids designed to improve the functioning of your body. Udo’s Oil 369 Blend is a reliable product that gives you the good fats you need. You can order Udo oil blend, and other Udo products, on Vitasave, Canada’s premier herbal supplement website.

 Udo Oil blend is an excellent source of omega-3, the good fat that is part of a well-balanced diet. Omega-3s lower triglycerides in your blood andreduce inflammation, so they are an excellent treatment for joint pain and asthma. Omega-3s also help people who have depression, dementia, and ADHD. DHA, one of the most important omega-3s, has also been proven to enhance brain and nervous system development in unborn babies and is one of the most crucial omega-3s, providing support for adult brain and eye development.

Udo Oil Blend also comes in a DHA formula, Flora Udo’s Oil DHA 369 Blend, for expectant mothers who need the extra protection for their new baby. Log ontoVitasave’s website at vitasave.ca and order your bottle today.

Vitasave is Canada’s fastest growing online retailer of all-natural health supplements. If you want to buy Flora Udo’s Oil 369 Blend, look no further than vitasave.ca. We offer discounts from 25% to 60% off traditional retail store prices with no annual membership fee. If you are also looking for other Flora Udo’s supplements, you can also find them here on our site.

We are Canada’s fastest growing e-commerce company of all-natural health supplements Ordering with us is easy and painless. There are no additional international shipping rates or duties when you shop with us. We also offer free shipping on all orders over $70 within Canada and the United States. We always ship using Canada Post Expedited Service with personalized tracking.

Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority. You may return unopened, unused items within 60 days if you are unhappy with your purchase. Call or go online at vitasave.ca to place your order and start feeling better today.


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